Originally Posted by rdhowe2006@yahoo.com
I purchased a set of American Racing chrome rims for my 70 Chevy C10. They are 6 lug. I took it in to a shop to have some work done on the carburetor and the mechanic says they are not the right size rims. He said that the studs are not long enough. When the lug nuts are on there is not enough tread to secure the wheel on the vehicle and it dangerous. Can anyone offer any advice on this? Is there anything I can check or do to keep from having to change all the studs. I hate to not be able to use the rims but I need to make sure they are secure for the road. If there is nothing I can do with the rims I will have to try and sale them and go back to the steel wheels. Thanks in advance Ron
Not much of a mechanic if he released your vehicle back to you knowing it was unsafe to operate on the road.
In my part of the world his licence is at stake and he would be held responsible if a liability occurred.
For a closed lugnut you want it to engage the threads 1 1/2 times the width. For a 1/2 inch stud you need 3/4 inch of attachment.
A 7/16 inch would be about 5/8 inch.
Check them yourself.
Maybe your studs are ok but you need longer shank lugnuts.