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Old 08-09-2016, 03:41 PM   #23
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Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: Placentia, CA
Posts: 344
Re: WTB 27 spline slip yoke

Grumpy, it's on the way back to God's Country. Your tracking # (short version) 9505 5150 5680 6222 0167 34. I hope I didn't transpose anything.

You should have it back by Friday/Saturday, seems 2 to 3 days really means 3 to 4 days.

Thanks and the $5.00 is included as I promised. Thanks.

Hey LeddZepp, I get PM's all the time, is there something I need to change on my account. I talk to a few people via that method on occasion. Not sure why Grumpy couldn't get one over. Let me know if I need to make a change in my account and I'll get 'er done.
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