Re: 1969 C/10 won't stay running
thanks for the info. watched a lot of videos and followed the instructions along with an older closed forum about rebuilding the carb that's on my truck (I will see if I can find it again) but like you said I could have missed something. there is an older guy down below me with a bunch of older gm vehicles, 2 64 long beds, 1 63 2 door suburban, a 69 swb gmc c10 and a k10 frame that he's working on now. I might take it down and have him help me if I get time to take it back off but I don't think because when I was still getting fuel to the engine before I accidentally blew a hole in the rubber line underneath the cab that connects the 2 hard lines by trying to get a clog out of the line, it ran great for about 30 or 45 minutes until I gave revved it up. then it blew a greyish smoke and shut off. since I cut off the muffler today it has stopped doing that as far as I know. tomorrow I am going to trade the 14" fuel line i got for the 5/16" line I should have got. then I will jump it with my dads 97 k2500 and see if it will run better with the muffler off of it. I know it sounds better now though. and the slight miss in the motor seems to have disappeared. So that should be good.