Originally Posted by duallyjams
thanks man... shiney
Originally Posted by dwcardfan
Love that bed!!!
looks even better with the tubs. will post pics...
Originally Posted by aerotruk63
Steinway finish is an understatement!
My God that's beautiful.
Thank you, really appreciate it.
Originally Posted by flashed
That looks better than any Steinway I have ever seen and I have seen a few.
Dano said it buffed out like a piano top. that started the whole Steinway thing.
Originally Posted by NVS-C10
The detail in this truck and the gloss of the bed floor is amazing!
thanks... we're under the gun to get it finished by October. we'll see...
Originally Posted by Bomp
Top notch building all the way.
Screaming Trophy truck right there.
Edited a few hours later after original comment cause couldn't stop thinking how top notch these trucks are.
Bed with a mirror finish. Man that's cool.
I shudder every time I tackle a new project of my own.
Clem and his crew stomp these trucks out top quality repeatedly.
Quality of work at Tuba Trucks keeps me trying even harder to get it right the first time.
Hope that one day Steiner can sit in the shadows of one of Clems trucks.

~See you in October~
thanks pardner, we seem to do the slightly modified ones whereas you do trucks that are seriously modified, bagged, stretched and who knows what else. I think you're the one casting the shadow.
can't wait for Oct. you moving in, right?
Originally Posted by Palf70Step
thank you sir
Originally Posted by Grizz1963
And I said some rude words too.
That is magnificent.
Www.tubarucks.com just getting better and better.
thanks Rian, see ya soon.
Originally Posted by jjzepplin
OK. Your just out of control now! Keep up the good work. Does someone plan on driving that truck or are they going to put it in their living room and toss the Steinway? NOICE!
The owner said he would have to get a bed to protect that bed.

I think he liked the end result. and thanks...
Originally Posted by Mark T
I love that blue! Is that a stock color or a special mix?
Its one of my favorite color combos. Pretty close to stock, can't remember where we got the Dupont numbers but I got them if you need them.
Thanks guys... be back later with some updates and changes at the shop.