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Old 08-20-2016, 11:48 AM   #14
blue 72 gmc 4x4
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Re: Restoring Vent windows

Originally Posted by Shaky View Post
Any hints on which clincher you are using?
Check out Hanson Rivet, its fairly pricey but worth the money.

Originally Posted by custom10nut View Post
I'm watching this with baited breath. Both my windows in my 70 are badly in need of repair. The pivot on the Driver side seized and broke, and the rubber on the passenger side is just wore out.
I have to ask your opinion. I have time, patience and tools.
I would only be doing the one set for my truck
Does the outlay of money for equipment, parts, and effort, offset buying new?
I like to do all my own work on my truck, but if I have to buy a bunch of "one time use" tools, I can't justify this route.
I know what new and used Windows cost, so with stating dollar amounts, does the self rebuild way offset the cost of just buying them?
Tool-wise, I think the only thing I would have to get would be the rivet setter.
Thanks, and great work on the ones you did.
In my opinion its just a matter of do you want to take on the task? Yes rebuilding them yourself does save some money, however they can be frustrating little things. The first set I did it took three people to hold the thing together while I tried to set the rivets. Now I can put them together myself. You could use pop-rivets in some spots to put it back together but I don't like how it looks. If you do it though definitely invest in the rivet clincher from Hanson Rivet.

Originally Posted by dfwright View Post
Do you plan on rebuilding and selling, or will you also be taking requests to rebuild vent windows for others, where they would send you theirs and you would refurb and send them back?
I would like to get into doing both. I will post a thread in the for sale section for these windows and to take on requests etc.
1955 GMC Hydramatic
1959 Chevy Spartan 100
1969 Chevy C/10
1969 Chevy C/30 Bruiser
1972 GMC (Wrecked)
1972 GMC pickup..old blue

Restored Vent Windows

1955 GMC hydramatic build

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