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Old 08-30-2016, 11:00 AM   #8
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Re: My 67 for 83?? Should I??

Originally Posted by C10hacker View Post
I have a decent shaped 67 that I posted on Craigslist. I was offered a pretty sick 83. Just curious what you guys think. I love the lines on mine but it needs lots of love and the 83 is almost complete minus AC needing charged lol. Check pics
Get on your Computer and Google that 83 and read all about it. You'll find some real interesting things about them, with that said the 80's & 90's were just getting into the Electronic this and the Electronic that age. I once was looking at a 95 Chevy Truck short fleet and what I found out about the Electronics of it was that it was Prone for electric/electronics PROBLEM'S big time. It was selling for $2300 and it looked SHARP.

Personally I'd stick with your Truck and you will be money ahead some day when you sell it. "Hypothetically" look at it this way with out it being a 67 and look at it as a truck for a truck Yours needing much more Money needed to get it the way that the other (83) looks like. Some buddies getting the shaft (probably you). Or look at it this way I will trade you my $100 bill for your $10 bill what do you say??? Deal or NO Deal.

Somebody wants something else real bad and is willing to give up what looks like a real nice Truck and by the looks of whats being traded for the trade (hidden problems might be there) I go back to my offer I trade you my $100 bill for your $10 bill. Its not real hard to figure this out. It comes down to how bad do you want the Trade! My.02 cents is your will be getting the SHAFT.

Last edited by ck5566; 08-30-2016 at 11:12 AM.
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