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Old 09-04-2016, 07:20 PM   #5
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Re: In between paint options

Originally Posted by Overdriven View Post
Considering 1/2 of the truck is a different color from the other that makes it a little tough. Doing a fautina would require quite a few rattle cans to get it one color then more to do the fautina. Plus I can't stand rattle can streaks and would rather buy something like one of those cheap paint "systems" from Duplicolor and spray that on it. No idea how that compares to plastidip cost wise or if you have the means to spray from a gun or not though.
The green side body work is what is left to repair. Plasti dip kit would run about $400. The technique I used on my 66 I sprayed with the cans and then took scotch Brite pads to scuff it to blend the streaks in. So it made the paint smooth and uniform. Probably run $150 or less to rattle can it. Just was looking for for photos of what others have done.
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