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Old 09-11-2016, 12:18 AM   #11
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Re: What are these and what for?

Originally Posted by jocko View Post
You bet Tony. And there are no bad questions. We all kinda operate under the assumption that we've all come to this site at different times in our own learning curves. I sure wish this site was around when I was 16. Well, actually, would've been nice to even have a computer around too.. but, I'm dating myself. Some guys start this stuff at 65 and are starting from scratch because they've worked their whole lives to be able to retire and START tinkering and some guys are tinkering at 14 yrs old. I've learned a lot here. Imagine how boring it would be if we all knew everything here.
This website is awesome Jocko. So much info. and helpful. A lot of very cool dudes. I'm that 2nd guy described. I started this over a year ago, and I retire in December (55 yrs old). It's worked out so well. I've wanted to restore this for 25 years, and lucky as heck I've waited so long. Not just because I'm retiring, but what I did say 15 years ago may not be up to par now.

It's mostly all new to me. I've never even done a brake job, and here I am tearing her down. Wasn't exactly raised around tools (father protestant musician, mother "Jewish princess")............but I've made them a habit for the second half of life +. Now if I can just figure out this wiring. Man, these schematics are hard to read. Looks like I'm at the Relay Assm. and Relay Assm. Delay on the front firewall.

71 Custom Deluxe, SWB, 2WD, 402, A/C.

I developed an assembly guide (kit) for restoring this truck from the ground up, complete with details including full hardware descriptions. Much of the info. applies to all 67-72 GM. My build thread, with some info. about the assembly kit
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