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Old 09-12-2016, 02:27 PM   #2
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Re: Gas tank venting

Originally Posted by Jarvis-69 GMC 1500CK View Post
New to old vehichles (oldest before this is a 91 Cadi).

When ever I open up the gas cap (cab mounted behind the seat) Allotof pressure is released, and I notice it seems to affect my gas gauge unless I vent it every day. Is this a normal thing to happen?
No, that shouldn't happen. It happens because of 2 reasons....

A. You don't have a vented fuel cap

B. You have a new vented fuel cap, and the spring pressure inside the cap is too strong for the tank pressure to overcome.

I had the second issue. New cap, but still wouldn't vent. Actually, it caused fuel to leak from the fuel line where it meets the sender. Had I, a full interior, everything would have been saturated with fuel smell, because it took me 2 days to figure it out. The cab smelled for 2 weeks afterward.

If you don't have a new vented fuel cap, you'll need to get one. Most likely if it doesn't fix your problem, you'll need to disassemble the fuel cap, and clip a little bit of the spring, much like the low budget way of cutting coils to lower a vehicle. Reassemble, and it should be fine.

Best of luck!
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