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Old 09-16-2016, 11:30 PM   #22
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Re: Isn't this illegal?

At the end we can say whenever goes through our head but the truth is that we DO NOT KNOW for sure what will happen. I think that is you are caught with "rossette" rivers or with car titles and vin numbers would be a strong indication that you are up to no good but ir would have to be proven in a court of law. So as long as you are documenting everything you are doing and you are not stealing any trucks, you should be fine. That is just my $0.02. Now, why in the work would someone want to buy a vin and car title in FL? I mean, I can see it when you bought someone else's cab to replace your and you want to swap the VIN numbers, but why buy a VIN and a car title? Just seems too odd to me. But being paranoid keeps me out of trouble.
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