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Old 10-06-2016, 05:32 AM   #12
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Re: Cheapish mud tires

Check Craigslist. I have been driving for 9 years and have only bought two brand new sets of tires - and one of those I found on Craigslist.

There is a 4 digit date code on the sidewalls. Like "5213" that means the tire was made on the 52nd week of 2013. In general, 7 years old rubber isn't any good for the road. I usually get 2-3 year old tires and they last about that long for me.

For negotiating, use that date code, bring a tread depth tool and know ahead of time what it was new I.E 17/32 tread, and check for uneven wear, cracks or bumps and so on.

There is a Facebook group for used tires I think.
1982 K10 SWB
1987 V20 - Sold - Doh!
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