Thread: 75 Dually build
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Old 10-08-2016, 11:19 PM   #573
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Re: 75 Dually build

A short update. I worked on the surprise all day, and got a ton done. I would have still been working on it but got rained out (and the wife was hungry and wanted to get something to eat...). I still have one more day worth of hard work, and then it is ready for paint.

Yeah I know I've got a lot of you saying "Come ON! Hurry up!!" But that chest cold put me behind schedule and this project cannot be rushed. Plus I think that it is going to be pretty controversial once you see it. I bet that half of you will not like it, and the other half will think it is cool (or at least I hope you will think it is cool... Who knows...)

Anyways. Stay tuned!
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