So now we move on to making and shaping the side panel. OK so you know up front I'm not a professional body guy. I try to make it look as good as possible, but there you have it... These panels were actually fun to make. They took a lot of time and planning to come out right. So I spent a lot of time cutting out the cardboard templates. BTW these panels are all one piece.
As you can see in the pics below the lower edge has not been shaped round to match the original profile. I went back to the press brake and bend it a second time, and then used a hammer and dolly to refine the shape. Eventually they still needed some massaging and a little bit of body filler to perfect the round shape. I spent a lot of time on this element alone. It's items such as this that makes or breaks the outcome of a project in my mind. If someone can walk by it and not notice any flaws in it then I did my job correctly.
More to come...