Thread: 75 Dually build
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Old 10-16-2016, 03:31 PM   #592
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Re: 75 Dually build

I got to looking at my pics again today, and one of the parts of the puzzle that was hard to solve on this project was the overall height and the profile of the sleeper that seems in some angles to stick out beyond the profile of the trucks roof line.

If I counted the hours I spent working on this problem I could have cured some horrible disease or something like that... You see the issue is that the rear part of the roof line on these crew cabs slopes a lot in the last 4 inches or so. What looks like a flat roof line is anything but that. So If you lined up the top of the sleeper with the corner of the roof then the sleeper would have been much lower and even more shrunk in on the sides.

So what to do? I took a long straight edge and lined up both roof lines to have the same overall height. That way when you look at this truck from the side profile the roof line matches. If I would have dropped the sleeper down to meet the corner on the trucks roof line it would have made the sleeper look like it was shrunk down to 9/10ths scale, and would have never worked in my mind.

This project had some many fun challenges. In the end some have liked it and some have not. And that's OK by me.

Stay tuned...
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