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Old 10-17-2016, 10:51 PM   #11
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Join Date: Aug 2015
Location: Raynham, MA
Posts: 222
Re: 3 Kids, 1 Wife, and 1 Lonely Blazer

Small update: I successfully pulled the oil pan on the LQ9 and extracted what was left of the rotted dipstick tube. I cleaned up the pan and replaced the oil pump pickup o-ring while I was in there.
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Since then I've been degreasing and wire wheeling my butt off! I really underestimated how much time it would take to prep the motor for some paint. Been using degreaser, phosphoric acid, and an assortment of wire wheels to clean up the engine.
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It's insane how much rust, grease, dirt, and corrosion can accumulate on a daily driven engine in 10 years! Hopefully I can at least get some primer on this soon, but it's too humid tonight.
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