Thread: 75 Dually build
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Old 10-18-2016, 09:22 PM   #593
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Re: 75 Dually build

Since the beginning of this sleeper I wanted to incorporate the stainless side trim from the 61. So I have yet to trim it up so it will fit the new panel, but will soon do so once I get this thing in paint. I will use the super duty 3M body molding double sided tape to adhere it to the side panel and the rear of the trim uses a single screw to attach it.

In the pictures below I copied what I had done on the drivers side on the passenger side. Naturally it was a lot easier the second time... From there I pulled it outside and shot a coat of oxide primer on it to give it some protection after I sanded the outside surface and got rid of all that surface rust. I then started to do the body work on it. That was a lot of work

More later!
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