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Old 10-24-2016, 10:36 PM   #9
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Re: Steering Column: Seeking assistance identifying some parts, etc.

Originally Posted by HO455 View Post
Remove the bolts in the firewall marked "Or these bolts" that will allow you remove the metal firewall seal cover and to see the firewall seal. If I remember correctly one of the seal cover bolts also holds the brake master cylinder to the firewall. That seal neads to get carefully pushed inside the cab and it will come out with the column. Not all of your label tabs have text in them, so I'm assuming they are for the bolts holding the seal cover.

Disconnect the safety switch and the column should be free to come out and then it's time for that Barley Pop!

The other fasteners you're calling machine screws don't need to be removed.
You're correct. Technically the brake booster, held by four studs through the column support bracket, and one bolt into the cover you're referring to. That cover uses two bolts to the firewall, one for the clamp.

Thanks to your help I realize this is near ready to pull. I'll get an extra set of hands this weekend, pull this out an move onto the brakes. Thanks for helping ID parts too. That's a battle itself.

71 Custom Deluxe, SWB, 2WD, 402, A/C.

I developed an assembly guide (kit) for restoring this truck from the ground up, complete with details including full hardware descriptions. Much of the info. applies to all 67-72 GM. My build thread, with some info. about the assembly kit
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