I called Bestop at 800-845-3567 to see if they could give me dimensions for the Scout II bikini top and also asked what we could do to interest them in making a bikini top for the 69-72 Blazer.
The woman I spoke to said Bestop is actually considering making a bikini top for the 69-72 Blazer. She will get me the width of the Scout II top and she said she would be interested in a list of people who would be interested in a 69-72 Blazer bikini top to show the company the interest level.
If you are interested in a 69-72 Blazer bikini top, please e-mail me your
name and year of your Blazer to
I will compile a list of names and get it to Bestop to see if we can show them there is a market for this top.
If there is a big enough market for a Scout II bikini top, surely there is a big enough market for a 69-72 Blazer bikini top!