Been picking away at some engine assembly over the last couple days. The 5 month old hasn't been sleeping well, so it's been hard to get into the garage after the kiddos go to bed.
Installed a new crank pulley and front main seal. A rib on the original pulley got damaged in the accident the donor was in. Wasn't terrible, but I figured it was a much easier job to pull off on the engine stand.
I slapped on the rest of the accessories after painting them. My last coat of paint on the pulleys came out terrible, but it will have to do. The paint is more about corrosion resistance and ease of cleaning. Not a show truck for sure!

Installed the starter, plastic transmission cover plates, oil bypass cover, and the temp sensor I'll be using with my stock gauges. (Autometer 2277 adapter + Autometer 2259 temp sender).

My intake has been cleaned up already, so now I just need to paint and install my manifolds (2010 Camaro), change the plugs, clean up my coils packs and brackets, and get those installed. That should wrap up engine duties for now.
Need to fix a few T-case seals and fit up the trans adapter next. Then it frame clean-up time.

Not looking forward to that!