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Old 03-24-2004, 07:45 PM   #20
Chevy Muscle
< 69 Blazer
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Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Nevada, TX
Posts: 292
Your Blazer is awesome! I'd love to have it, but my budget for a blazer is more like $5k right now, and that doesn't buy much

.... plus, you're way out in Cali and that is too far to trailer a blazer for me.

I was hoping to buy one that is complete, but needs restoration... and that I could do as time/money allows.

Yours is almost done, so I guess you just need to find the right person that is looking for a near-complete project.

If you need money, and want to "give it away" then I'm your guy.... but you'll get your money if you wait long enough, I think.
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