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Old 12-08-2016, 04:39 PM   #4
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Location: Las Vegas, NV
Posts: 116
Re: Power brake booster

I have a '70 C10 that this summer I converted from drum/drum to disc/drum, at same time used CPP disc conversion kit with 2 1/2" drop spindles. I got my master cylinder/power booster from Summit. The prop valve from Summit had the wrong lines since the valve has to be turned on its side and use different lines between the prop valve and master cylinder. Reason for that? My front & back brake lines come up vertically and didn't fit. So call CPP and ask about possible need for new front brake line kit and right hydro lines between prop valve and master cylinder.

Since you are replacing the brakes and are already in there, might consider swapping out upper and lower controls arms. I used CPP. Glad I did as my old attach points were worn out.

My CPP disc brake conversion kit required a sway bar with end links which mine didn't have, so had to order a new endlink swaybar.

You'll need the CPP PV-TOOL when bleeding the CPP prop valve or it might damage the valve.

I used the Motive Products 105 Brake System Power Bleeder from Amazon. Fantastic help. Place chains furthest aft and forward and then tighten well.

Have fun!
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