Originally Posted by Dieselwrencher
Our cold weather finally showed up and i'm not ready for it at all!
Ryan I am so there with you!
What I have been mainly working on is a light surround for our kitchen light. This is one of my wife's Christmas gifts. My wife hates the fluorescent light in our kitchen. She likes the light output but the fixture is ugly! She asked for me to build a surround a while ago, and I have kept that in the back of my mind since.
So what you are looking at is an Indian pueblo that wraps around at one end and has a western scene going along it's length. That moon at the end will have the tan coyote howling at it. What you see in sharpie is going to be cut out with a plasma cutter and have light shining through the slits. The coyote is just and inch tall, but he is pretty cool. I am doing everything out of 18 gauge cold rolled. I have cut doors and windows into the houses. I will cut some holes in behind them to let light through, and it will show light coming out the windows and the doors.
Everything will be painted. The pueblo buildings will be shades of tan, I have 4 different colors for them. I will alternate the colors to make it look cool. I have a light blue for the color of the sky, mat green for the earth, and some tans to mix in some desert colors.
I have not done a design on the other side yet. I'm thinking about maybe doing a scene with some buffalo or something along those lines. I will keep the western look to it no matter what I come up with.
Let me know what you guys think!