A member over at ColoradoK5 says he has a friend who does I think it was boat covers and he can make this for us if we have enough interest. He is checking with him. I think you are right, this is something that we can get a group buy on and get it done ourselves. The big problem will be mounting. Some people have replied that they are only interested in the bikini top if it mounts in a certain way. But, if this is a private individual, he might be willing to work a little on having a couple different mounting options. A simple solution might be for him to have it all completed except for the windshield area on some of the tops. For people who need something different, they could easily get that finished at a local shop. Lots of options, but I think something can happen. We have I believe 42 interested. I'm sure not everyone would buy now, but I would guess more than half would.
1970 Blazer with a 400 sbc and 4" lift
1980 Pontiac Trans Am, 455 Oldsmobile
2012 Kawasaki Concours 14