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Old 12-13-2016, 12:56 AM   #7
The Older Generation

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Re: 71 Vin # help / short box?

Originally Posted by jocko View Post
decode is correct, but VIN won't tell you the wheelbase. If the truck has a SPID, there are two clues:
1) WB of 115 in upper right
2) Model Number: CS10734 = 115 swb (CS10934 = 127 lwb)
If no SPID, then a build sheet (under seat would help, IF it's still there) - but can't get out unless rebuilding the seat and ripping it all apart - unless you're lucky enough to have it between the seat springs and cushion face down.
Other than that - it comes down to an educated guess by the person onsite inspecting the truck. lwb's are not normally shortened to swb's at the rear behind the axle (without looking a little goofy) - it's normally done just behind the cab/bed junction. That would be the place to look for welds, fish plates, etc.

8" has to be cut off of the rear frame rails when shortening a long bed frame also.....


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