Thread: Today's score!
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Old 01-11-2017, 10:18 PM   #13
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Re: Today's score!

Andy I got a van tilt and the shifter retention pin was wallowed out. I made it into a look alike factory floor shift tilt by grinding the "knot" where the shifter was off and filling with short hair fiber strand. The other holes I welded up and body worked it all out and it turned out awesome. Since it was "messed up" I got it for $30 it changed over to a floor shift a lot easier than I had expected.
One more thing I did was to place the shifter in park and then welded the shifter arm to the housing before cutting off the shifter tab at the bottom, That was to keep everything in place and to prevent any future headaches. Oh by the way great snags on the parts. Jim
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