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Old 01-17-2017, 02:19 PM   #16
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Re: Need Help Dont No What Else To Do

Originally Posted by jocko View Post
Can you elaborate on "would not turn on"? Would not crank? Would not fire/start? I assume the latter since you got backfiring (guess I just answered my own question, sorry...) The items you initially changed out sound like you had indications of no spark. You mentioned after a storm and ign module (as in HEI module?) - perhaps struck by lighting? I think if you changed the HEI module, it'd take care of any lightning damage. Hmm. More details please. It the backfiring load-dependent? Like, only when you let off the gas, for example? Or only when you step on the gas, etc? Sure sounds like a timing issue to me - but that wouldn't just change overnight after a storm. So, you may have two problems - perhaps module went out, and then, during reassembly, the plug wires or timing got crossed/set wrong(?) Backfiring is "normally" a timing/ignition issue - not a carb or fuel issue. Did you replace all the ignition components at the same time and then try to start, or one at a time and try to start? (I'd have done them all too... but that is how compound/self-induced issues can be masked). If it wouldn't start AT ALL (as in no ignition, but it did crank over) and then you changed all the ignition parts and it starts but backfires - my guess is something was messed up in the replacement process while the root problem was fixed.
It backfires when i drive it mostly not when i start it turns right on no problem im running out of ideas
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