Originally Posted by lolife99
Are you wrapping it directly over primer?
Or do you need a base coat of paint under the wrap to seal out moisture?
I had a '68 Camaro years ago that had a vinyl top put on over primer.
When I removed the vinyl top the roof was solid RUST!
So bad,... I had to replace to roof skin.
Vinyl tops and vinyl wrap are totally different materials. If moisture ever gets under this you can see the edge being compromised and know that you have an issue before the paint/substrate is ever seeing a rust issue. Plus I don't really plan on keeping it there but for a couple of seasons at the most. Vinyl tops are known for being porous and trapping moisture. Vinyl wrap is water proof.
Originally Posted by aggie91
I would like to know what the total cost is for a truck that big...
The 100' x 5' roll of wrap, which is more than enough to do my entire truck, cost $460 delivered. I do have a small sheet of accent color, so say in the end $550 for the whole setup. For a truck like yours you could easily get away with 75' roll, and have tons of extra! The PPG paint I wanted to use (very similar color to what I picked for the vinyl) was $491 a gallon. That was at a reduced cost because a friend who owns a hot rod shop here in town was letting me use his account number. Oh BTW that did not include any other chemicals, reducer, thinners, and did not even include any clear coat. I was going to need at least 2 gallons of everything, so my bill before I even shot the first layer was going to be around $2000 in just materials.
Originally Posted by bluex
I'll be watching the wrap progress for sure. I've priced them but they are about the same cost to have done as a decent paint job. I've looked and the rolls of vinyl arent to expensive so it is something I've kicked around to try myself....
See my note above on the actual cost of PPG paint I was considering. I would have to say that you are correct, a decent paint job done by a shop, and a wrap job done by a wrap installer would be fairly close in overall cost. My assumption is that the paint they are using is single stage or a very low cost base coat clear coat option. Yes you can buy cheap paint, and in the end, in my opinion, you get a cheap paint job. Now for some that is perfectly acceptable, and in all truth for some vehicles it is OK. However for a show vehicle, or even something close you get what you pay for in paint. For me because I was doing this all myself it was the cost of materials that I had to deal with and not someone else's labor.
I hope all this helps!