Thread: 75 Dually build
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Old 01-27-2017, 04:42 PM   #690
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Re: 75 Dually build

Originally Posted by Dieselwrencher View Post
I like the idea, but to me I would think the jams and inside of the doors will be a bear to do. I'm interested to see how this comes out. And if you use epoxy primer, shouldn't that not allow moisture in and rust not to form?
This may seem crazy, but I'm looking forward to the jambs. Technical yes, but I am patient when trying things like this out and I'm fairly good at tamping down frustration if and when it arises. The only issue I see on that will be the hinges, those I most likely will paint a flat black. On the primer yes the epoxy primers are generally water proof. Their issue is more sun exposure which breaks down the chemical bonds. UV is tough on this stuff, but hidden below the vinyl should be I hope a good mix. Now I could go shoot a cheap single stage for a protection, and that could be a good option here. Been thinking about it...

Originally Posted by bluex View Post
I was basing my comparaison on most of the disassembly and some prep work being done before going to the shop and the reassembly being done on my own as well. The two shops I contacted about a wrap with no graphics just a stock squarebody two tone were both over 2000 from what I remember. I never planned on a show killer paint job for my truck, I dont want to be afraid of driving it. I know you get what you pay for with paint, but a big chunk of the cost is in labor and shop time for things easily done on your own.

Regardless, I'm interested to see the outcome here, please share any tips/tricks that you learn during the process when you have a chance.
Good points above. I'll keep you in the loop as I progress!

Originally Posted by aggie91 View Post
The costs seem very reasonable for the vinyl and doing the wrapping yourself will save a bunch of labor $$'s. I painted a CC Dually 20 years ago, 2 tone in PPG single stage, I had over $1500 in materials alone...NOT including the materials used for the body work and primers.

Another plus to the wrap is that if you start say a rear door, but you don't have time to finish, its not a big deal to stop. With paint, once you mix the materials, you got to spray it on something. Otherwise you are throwing money away.
Your second point is well made. Yeah if you get frustrated you can just put everything down, go get a sandwich, complain to the wife until she kicks you out of the house again, and go right back at it. My big roll gets in Tuesday this coming week, and I can't wait to start laying down some panels. I will start with the jambs first so I can get the hard stuff out of the way. Luckily the door jambs on square bodies are fairly flat and straight forward. One blessing to be thankful for!

Special note:

Something for you guys to think about, and I have been giving it considerable thought as to how to do the roof and rear panel that holds the rear window. Think about this, the vinyl is only 5' wide. now the roof is fairly wide, and the rear panel is even wider than that. They have a product out there called knifeless tape. So I don't have to describe the product and how to use it go pull it up on YouTube it will really help with this discussion. It is 1/8" wide fine tape with a Kevlar string in the middle of it. Basically you put this tape down first then the vinyl goes over it, and then you pull the string through the vinyl to cut it. The cool thing is you can make butt joints between two pieces of vinyl that are very hard to see. Again go see the stuff on YouTube it will do a better job showing you it than I can. I have some of this tape that I plan on using for this portion of the layout. Basically what I want you to think about is how to solve this 3D puzzle. Where should you place material and where to place cut lines so they are as little noticeable to the eye as possible.

For the roof I plan on using the roof ribs as a place to hide the cut lines. It's when you get on the back panel that things become somewhat interesting. You will have the material covering the sides and doors of the truck, plus the material coming off the roof to deal with. That material will have to wrap around the sides and over the top somehow and come in contact with the rear panel material. Where those cut lines are and where the material contacts is a fun puzzle to solve. If this was your truck how would you go about laying this out. This is what I meant when I say I enjoy this stuff. Solving problems like this is interesting to me, and if I or you can come up with a good solution then we all benefit.

So your assignment is to think about how to integrate all the 5' panels of material covering the sides/rear panel/roof area. This might sound easy in some respects, but go out to your truck and think "I can't show any cut lines if at all possible, and yet I still have to cover the area". Don't tell me this stuff ain't fun!

Have fun with it and let me know your thoughts!
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