Thread: 75 Dually build
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Old 02-02-2017, 12:07 PM   #697
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Re: 75 Dually build

Originally Posted by N2TRUX View Post
I'm in love with the color you went with. Ironically i'm not a big blue fan, but that looks awesome.
The knifeless tape works excellent. A friend of a friend does wraps and I saw some of their work on the hood of a car. The did carbon fiber panels on a black car. The panels were in the center of the hood and did not extend over an edge. I assumed it was a decal with adhesive, but it was wrap and its very stable. You should be just fine cutting and seaming behind the roof ribs.

Do you have an Instagram feed? Send me progress pics for a feature.
I looked at a bunch of different blues before I went with this hue. In all truth I was a bit nervous about it as well, but after I got it put down and laid that grey wrapped panel on top of it all that worry went out the window. I also got to use the knifeless tape already on the front bed panel. Yes it is amazing stuff!

I quit using Instagram because I got hijacked a couple of months ago and just deleted it off my phone. I like the app, but I guess I will have to go back and start it again. Is there another way I can get the progress pictures to you? Maybe Facebook? Just let me know.
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