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Old 02-02-2017, 11:09 PM   #8
The Older Generation

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Re: Stole this 1 out of Kansas City

As far as the shifter, before you buy any new parts try this to loosen the old girls shift lever and shift tube up....

Spray some PB Blaster (or similar) into the opening where the shift lever goes in. Spray above and below the lever then pull it up towards you then push it back down towards the dash a few times. Give it a good dousing. I have found that the shift lever hangs up in that area and a good shot of penetrating oil/lube helps a lot. The lever has to move up and down to shift through the gears. You can also remove the lever to spray it if you have trouble getting the penetrating oil in there. If you use WD40 make sure it is the WD-40 SPECIALIST penetrating oil not the regular old WD40.

Works for sticky automatic shift levers as well.


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