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Old 03-31-2004, 09:23 PM   #20
Careful, they attack...
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Location: Waterford, MI, USA
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water getting mixed into the powder is not a good thing at all. It could make so your powder doesn't adhere to the part like it should. How did you cure it? I had that same problem when I first tried it. I found it was because the metal wasn't getting hot enough to cure the powder to it. It is based on the metal temperature, not the powder melting. That's why it takes so long in an oven. You have to give time for the metal to come up to 400 for 15-20 minutes. That makes the powder stick to it, and it won't flake off. It's a learning experience. If something like that happens, it's because you are doing something wrong. Now, you have to look at your process and see what might have happened. Try a longer cure time in the oven next time. Once I found the source of the problem, I haven't had it again. I would also get some new powder. The Eastwood powder is good, it's pretty much the same as you get anywhere else, but if it's been damp, I would get some more. Eastwood is higher priced for their powder. Look around for a better deal.
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