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Old 02-16-2017, 08:18 AM   #19
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Re: How many have restored trucks and left their front drum brakes?

So, do drums work? Yes they do. Do disc brakes work better? Yes they do. I'm all for some originality, but upgrading your brakes in my mind is a no brainer. People have mentioned semis using drums, well a lot of the newer ones now have disc brakes. Even the MRAPS in the military have moved to disc brakes. They work better and they're easier to work on. So your drum brakes will definitely work. I mean, they have for all these year, but the truck may be more enjoyable with disc up front. At least it has been for me. Someone above already said it, even economy cars now stop a lot faster than what they did 40 years ago. I wouldn't wanna end up in the back of one of them.
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