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Old 03-08-2017, 10:56 AM   #10
B. W.
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Re: Paint divider cab trim mounting

Measured on a '72 C20
paint divider trim on back of cab: chrome trim is centered 1&5/8" above body line on back of cab
bottom of chrome trim lines up with the color split on the door, NOT the bottom of the drip rail
Measured from the edge of the door jamb, NOT the inside of the drip rail:
#1 rivet 1&1/4" from jamb
#2 rivet 5&1/4" from jamb (3&7/8" from #1)
#3 rivet centered between 10&3/4" and 10&7/8" from #2 ( 5&1/2" from #2)
#4 rivet 18&1/4" from jamb (7&1/2 from #3)
#5 rivet 9&1/2" from #4
#6 rivet 9&1/2" from #5

from forum - Chevrolet assembly instructions
measuring from the center line of the rear of cab:
2.16" down from window lip (very top with glass out?)
1st rivet 1.5" from CL
2nd rivet 9.5 from CL
3rd rivet 19" from CL
4th rivet 28.5" from CL
5th rivet (on cab corner) 0.93" foreward from rear of cab
6th rivet (one closest to door) 4.5" from rear of cab
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