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Old 04-02-2004, 05:39 PM   #1
shortymac83's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Culver, Indiana
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TRUCK PHOTOS (not dialup friendly

OK, I thought since I FINALLY got the pics back that I'd share some...

Yes, that IS duct tape on the seat.

the tower of power! Oh yeah, 250 CI of chevy fury! (this is before the new plug wires).

the only option this thing came with - an AM radio Note the manual choke. BTW, what is that black plug to the right of the heater controls for? Was that an option that was left out?

The trick sound system - a hole filled glasspack and a curved pipe. Notice the black smear where it's been running rich. Also note the rust that will need fixed.

none of the gauges, horn, radio or heater controls work. Oh, and the window cranks are very stiff. 2 hands on those suckers

the shiny thing sticking out of the hole is the seat belt buckle

check the wasp nest on the rearend. BTW, anyone know where I can get tires with tread like this?
1983 Oldsmobile Delta 88
1967 Chevy C-10 stripper - wanna go...faster? talk to FCR.

Last edited by shortymac83; 04-02-2004 at 05:42 PM.
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