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Old 03-19-2017, 10:18 AM   #89
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Re: 1972 Blazer CST Frame off Project in NC

Originally Posted by UGAK5 View Post
So, I need some opinions. I am reassembling various frame components now that I have the axles hung. Today I noticed something that I never have before. In the first pic, I have this bracket that is bolted to the frame on the drivers side - no idea what its for - but I swear it looks like its to keep the leaf from going too far back. There is probably 1/4" between the bracket and the leaf eye.

In the other pics (of the passenger side), no such bracket, but there are holes in the frame for one to bolt in.

So, 1) whats the bracket for, 2) is it okay that there is that little clearance between it and the eye, and 3) should there be one on the passenger side?

My '71 K5 had those too.....the way it looked to me was that the factory springs, being negative arch (upward)...the shackle would move forward under compression rather than moving backward like a positive arch would.

I would think that using those with lift springs would severely limit the spring travel as the shackle tried to move back under compression and contacted the bracket.
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