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Old 03-20-2017, 10:16 AM   #6
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Re: 1939-40 chrome/stainless bumper

I got the bumper back from the chrome plater for the second time. This time it looks fantastic. I installed it on sun afternoon after installing the chin/baffle assembly as I have shown in the other thread, I also used new correct style bolts that I bought from chevs of the 40s instead of the parts store round head ones that were on the bumper before. I also played with the classic farm truck plate and license plate topper. I had a 40-41 farm tag on last summer but I thought the color of it was a bit bland and the license plate topper was for the 1940 presidential election. So being the election is over and wanting something different, I thought I would try a 39-40 farm tag and a soda license topper, I would say the yellow tag definitely pops out at you more than the brown tag does. What do you guys think? Yellow or brown tag?
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