Originally Posted by idbeast
I've got an '09 Harley with over 100,000 on the old girl, I can tell you what the bug was just by the taste! 
LOL - I got Hit 1 time by one of those Huge Moths - it Totally Covered
My Lens and and Ran down into My Collar - by the time I pulled over
from 65 Mph ..
Hit by a Fat Robin Dropped down out of Tree - Bam in the Chest ..
@ 70 MPH - thought & Felt like I Punched by a Professional Boxer . .
Knocked the Wind ..out Me ..
Bikes were great - but - I always Modded My Scoot's into a Beast !
Rode it like I was on Fire .. so after 20 yrs. I had to say No More
Before I became an Accident Statistic .. I had a few
Very Close Calls the Kind that make You Pray to the Load . . Our Father ..
Smiling in My Truck ! - I don't have Disc Brakes - But I'm read the Road
way better then most . Class A , and Heavy Equipment