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Old 04-21-2017, 09:02 PM   #1
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Location: Berkley, Massachusetts
Posts: 235
Chevy motor casting and suffix # s

Hi folks, I have a question concerning my chevy engine. it is a 350 and not the original engine. The engine casting # in the rear of the engine is 14010207 which when i looked it up is a chevy 350 engine from the years 1980 to 1985. I also looked on the front of the engine pad behind the alternator for the stamped code. The pad is not easily readable but i did find the following that i could read. It was V1018?RT I think the ? # is an A or P, not sure. I looked up this suffix code, the last three #'s and could find the the vehicle that the engine was from. The only thing close was a two letter code RT which was a 64 corvette engine. Any help would be greatly appreciate. The heads casting # is 14079261 which says it is heads from a 1982 to 1985 chevy engine, so i am guessing this engine is between a 1982 to 1985 engine??? Also where on the back of the engine can i find the stamp showing the date of the engine?

Thanks for all your help.

1968 Chevrolet C-10 2 wheel drive
Lil' Red
In life always try to make a difference
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