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Old 04-26-2017, 10:19 PM   #6
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Re: Need pictures of bedside fillet doors, even in progress

Originally Posted by custom10nut View Post
Thanks, I'm watching. What diameter is the filler outlet on the Blazer tank kits? The piece on the door that I got is 2"OD. I'm thinking I can get a muffler shop to fab me one to adapt to the right size.
Did you go with hard line for the whole pipe or do you have a portion of rubber tube?
I have no idea about the size of the blazer inlet. I have a custom aluminum tank (previous one was from Doc's, this one came with the frame from Scott's Hot Rods). However, the muffler shop can match the size to the rubber hose used to connect the actual filler neck to the tank. I always use a short piece of hose for the actual connection. Just be sure it's compatible with ethanol gas... I think about 6 to 8 inches will do it, just where it's close to the frame. Again, I don't know about the blazer tank. However, they can use the expander and flare the pipe to connect different size ends.. That's what I did on the last one.... And they bent the connector tube so it lined up very well. Mike's Muffler Shop in Mount Juliet TN. There, a freebie advertisement...

I am sure others on the site will have better ideas than I do. There is a lot of talent on this site. Well beyond my knowledge base. Sounds to me like you've got it figured out though... Good Luck!!!
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