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Old 06-06-2017, 03:10 PM   #29
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Location: Tigard, Or
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Re: What would you do's and dont's

Something I would definitely do again would be to keep buddies around that push you to do things you don't want to. Like remove the frame, research a bit more before you decide to do that, why are you doing it that way, that's dumb, etc. A good friend of mine was awesome at that and even the things I didn't listen to him tell me back then are now working their way onto the truck after it's been put together and is a pain in the butt.

Another thing I would do again is to leave the rust somewhat alone. If it's not too terrible to leave, it will get you finished and enjoying it earlier. Rust can be repaired anytime but it takes a long time to do it right and sometimes that length is super discouraging when you do it upfront. Obviously some trucks have to have the rust taken care of right away.

Buy the most solid body you can afford. Put color and options in the back of your mind for the most part and look at the bones. Color can be changed later and options can be added, unless you're going for a full on factory original product in the end.

I would absolutely have the frame powdercoated if I did it again, no question. POR-15 is a pain in the butt and isn't significantly cheaper than powdercoat, at least near me.

I would have set the suspension up at the height it is now, 4" lower than when I first built it, since all that is way easier when it's a bare frame.

I wouldn't have put another inline 6 in mine. Pick the motor you want in the end and do that, you will be money ahead even if the one you want is a larger investment overall.

Plan to do things only once as much as you can, but don't get stuck on something because you don't want to do it twice. It's not that big of a deal to do it again later.
1966 Army Truck
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