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Old 04-10-2004, 07:43 AM   #2
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Do you mean the horizontal panel in front of the radiator? LMC calls it a "Bumper/ Radiator Deflector." Not that they're the last word in Chevy trucks, or anything. Yes, they are specific to the '67-'68 design. GM deleted them from the production line when they redesigned the front doghouse tin -- going to a taller hood front and shorter fenders in front from '69 to '72. I once talked a PO down in price because the '71 Jimmy I was buying didn't have a deflector panel and I thought somebody had lost it when changing the engine. He didn't know any better either! LOL.
It just looked wrong, and where was I gonna leave my spare oil can? I have sometimes wondered if this part would retrofit onto a '71, just so I'd have the storage space back again. Probably need to be modified somehow.
Yes they were standard.
Yes, LMC does offer one in their catalog CB.36, page 35, pic 14, p/n:30-3779. 50 bucks new (offshore most likely) tin. There may be other vendors with better prices, do the research.
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