Thread: tuba trucks
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Old 06-15-2017, 07:26 PM   #531
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Re: tuba trucks

Appreciate it Rian and Bill… your comments are always motivational and Lord knows we need it…

Second post for the month starts with a setback. Maude who's doors were just hung was involved in a windy storm and the door checks had not been installed. Stupid move. And yes, both doors blew open multiple times during the storm and put very deep creases in both doors as well as chipping the paint on the fender edges. Major setback… but all has been fixed now and it feels like a bad dream thats over.

This last month Maude got her hood painted and installed, also windshield and back glass were put in as well as the radiator to core support sails. Not much else got done except the disaster redo, which was major.
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