Thread: Quadrajet Help
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Old 06-18-2017, 11:53 PM   #1
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Quadrajet Help

My 68 has a 350 from a 72 truck, and a M4MC Quadrajet from a 1978 Chevy (Model unknown). The casting number of the Quadrajet is 17058204. My problem is this: the high idle circuit is not working properly, and I don't believe the choke is either. When I stab the throttle before starting the truck when it's cold, it doesn't kick it into high idle. I noticed the choke pull off diaphragm was bad, the pull off was very loose side to side & up and down, and the portion that moves in and out of the pull off (I am unsure what to call this) was bent. I replaced it with one from a Quadrajet I pulled off of my 78 C3 Vette, which had a working high idle and choke (before I went to an intake without provisions for a hot air choke). The choke plate also does not stay shut, and stays about 1/2 open. On the Quadrajet I have from the vette, when you move the throttle linkage all the way, it also moves the linkage on the passenger side for the choke plate/linkage, but on the truck nothing moves on the passenger side. What am I looking at here? I'm unfamiliar with how this choke system works. Any help is gratefully appreciated.
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