Re: Quadrajet Help
Sorry if that was confusing! I have 2 Q Jets. The one on the truck, and a second one I pulled off of my Corvette. The Corvette Q Jet had a working choke when I pulled it off, so that's where the new choke pull off came from.
I loosened the three screws, rotated the black cap, and would you look at that! The choke plate closed. I set it so that it is almost closed, about 1/8" gap. It was dead cold this morning when I was playing with it, so I started it up, and it jumped to a super high idle. I backed off the high idle screw under the choke pull off to a steady RPM to let it warm up, and as the truck idled for a few minutes, I saw the choke plate open up and the idle drop. I bumped the throttle and it came all the way down to a steady low idle! So I believe it is now working just about the way it should be. I still may play with it a little bit, but overall I'm very pleased that I don't need to feather the gas for 5 minutes in the mornings anymore.