Originally Posted by dmjlambert
If it were me, I would just stop looking at that secret-VIN truck. If looking for a rough old truck, there are others available that have the original paint from the factory and all the rust it has just hanging out there in the open for you to look at, and on those types of trucks it is much easier to see a real picture of what you will have to be working on. With the secret-VIN truck there is no telling how much bondo is under that spray paint.
I can't think of a legitimate reason to hide or keep secret a VIN, so that alone would make me pass, but then I'm kind of particular anyway.
Hey guys, thanks so much for the valuable input. I've learned a lot in the past few days. I did hear back from the guy, he sold the truck before I got to even see it. The waiting and watching game starts over. I look forward to finding something and starting a build thread on here so that I can continue to learn from the great group of folks on this board.