Re: New member, new truck, little confused on year...
You need to validate all the serial numbers on the truck.
I just retired from the Army and have ran across a lot of interesting "trucks" if you will.
In the south I have seen what I call a lot of Mutt Trucks, which were re-titled, wrong information and some states that I was stationed in would not touch them with a 10 foot pole with the DMV.
Check the frame vin, title, vin plate, glove box door. If they all match, then you got a truck that someone just did a lot of updating. Hope they all do match, sadly this series of trucks is so popular that people are exploiting these trucks to the max.
Partial frame vin is located at the front left frame by the power steering pump. Will have the back half of the vin# not the complete vin. Also located on the driver side frame rail under the cab. For yours it should be S869354.
Nice truck.