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Old 04-13-2004, 08:56 AM   #5
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Re: what all is needed to convert a farmer 4spd to an auto

Originally posted by 67cst
so far on my list ive came up with :

1. th350 crossmember
3.tranny linkage
4.automatic steering coloum.

what else is in there...will an auto tranny bolt up to his transfer case? what about a different driveshaft? any help would be great asap!! thanks guys
On 4x4s the automatic crossmember is the same as the manual. GM made it so the adapter bolts to the crossmember. All differences between the tranny/transfer case combos are made up in the adapter.
Like 1969 GMC said, get a complete th350/np205 and go from there.
The adapter is usually cracked. I've never seen or heard of a used one what wasn't.
Inside the adapter is the "drive sleeve". The sleeve couples the output of the tranny to the input of the transfer case. I'd get a new one of those. They are available at the dealer for around $100. New adapters are around $200. At least that was the prices when I did the swap. If you don't get a new adapter replace the oil seals on your used one. The seals in the adapter keep the tranny fluid in the tranny and the gear oil in the transfer case.

The driveshafts are the same.

Don't forget you'll need lines to cool the transmission fluid (and heat it in the winter). I think I paid about $30 from in-line tube. Of course you'll need a radiator with the coolant tank in it. My radiator already had one so I just bought a can of flush from NAPA and blasted the crud out of it.
And like you figured you'll need the automatic steering column and the linkage between it and the transmission.

One more thing - you need a kick-down cable bracket for the top of the intake manifold. My truck currently has a 2bbl. carb. I used the kick-down cable bracket off a 1971 Monte Carlo that had a 2bbl and a th350. All the kick-down cables are the same. I'm pretty sure the brackets are differnt on a 4bbl. verses a 2bbl. Edlebrock makes an aftermarket adjustable one if you can't find a stock one.
'70 cab, '71 chassis, 383, TH350, NP205.
'71 Malibu convertible
'72 Malibu hard top
Center City, MN
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