Something similar happened to me back in '95. I had just finished the body work on my short/wide '69 C-10. It was lowered with a little rake to it, s/b 350/350 auto with a shift kit that let bystanders know when it shifted into 2nd, etc.... Anyway, I had the thing primed a light green, as close to the actual color that was going to be sprayed as possible. I was so proud, I decided to drive it to my office and show it off to the guys. We shared a parking lot with a security company...the ones that patrol neighborhoods and such. Well while I was inside, one of these "no driving" rent-a-cops backed his caprice classic patrol car into my truck, just about the same spot you mentioned in your description. Not as much damage, but like you say, it's the principle of the matter. The next morning, I get there early, and sure enough, I find the green paint transfer (like an episode of CSI). He has brand new chrome baby moon hubcaps on his patrol car....BRAND NEW. Using the heal if my boot, I beat the living hell out of those things. Looked like horizontal hail damage. The guy came to work and was he ever pissed. Ranting and raving about how much those things cost, never thinking about how much primer and labor cost, plus having to repair HIS stupidity. Oh well, I never drove it back to the office. I slept just fine that night, too.