Thread: NOS Parts?
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Old 08-03-2017, 01:38 PM   #5
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Re: NOS Parts?

When I started driving I owned a 1972 Chevelle. I still own that car but that is a different story.

As a typical young kid I had various jobs around town to make some money. I was working at a green house one spring. The first day I drove my Chevelle to work the owner comes running out of one of the green houses and starts rapping on my front fenders right behind the wheels. After the second one he says, "Darn!"

I replied what do you mean darn. Those are good fenders. He says he was hoping I needed one because he had one he'd let go for $75.

Well I wasn't rich and NOS parts weren't traded like gold bullion at that time so I said no thanks.

A couple of years later I had moved on to another crappy teen-ager type job and actually did have a little spending money. I procured a 1971 Chevelle that did need fenders. This was the late 80s in the rust belt where a 1971 Chevelle, convertible or not, was just a rusty old car ready for the scrap heap.

So back to the green house I go.

"Do you still have that fender you want to sell?"
"Can I buy it?"
"How much?"
"What did I tell you last time?"
"$75 but you and I know it is worth much more than that."
"Seventy-five bucks."

That is how I came to purchase a NOS, still in the box, Left Front Fender for my Chevelle for $75 when the going price was about $500.

I see a 1970 RH fender on ebay now. In the box. $1250.
I should have left mine in the box.
'70 cab, '71 chassis, 383, TH350, NP205.
'71 Malibu convertible
'72 Malibu hard top
Center City, MN
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