Thread: 75 Dually build
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Old 08-24-2017, 12:18 AM   #897
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Re: 75 Dually build

So I finally got the hood redone, well not 100%... It took a long time to get the replacement vinyl piece. The first go around USPS decided that I did not need it in a perfect delivery tube, so they played baseball with it and delivered the remnants. So order number 2, and that got here in a lot better shape than order number 1...

However I'm going to have to redo this once again!!! I got some dirt under the vinyl while doing the install. Totally my fault! I was not following my own advice and making sure the area was surgically clean. So I finished the install anyways just so I can drive it around town until the replacement vinyl comes in. Live and learn folks, live and learn!
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